Des massacres continuent à être enregistrés dans la province de Bubanza Une personne a été tuée à coup de fusil dans la nuit de ce dimanche à Mugaruro commune Mpanda de la province de Bubanza. C’était dans un ménage d’un certain Nicolas Mbazumutima qui a été assailli par des hommes armés de 4 fusils. Ils l’ont tué et sa femme a été grièvement blessée.
Et toujours dans cette province, un enseignant de Gashinge a été égorgé dans la nuit de ce dimanche, à Musigati, par des personnes non encore identifiées et sept cadavres ont été retrouvés ce samedi 11 septembre dans la forêt naturelle de la Rukoko en commune Gihanga.
La disparition du major Aloys Nzabampema est un mystère pour plus d'un. L’armée burundaise ignore tout sur la disparition du major Aloys Nzabampema porté-disparu depuis le trois septembre. A la question de savoir si cet gofficier a rejoint la rébellion, Gaspard Baratuza, porte-parole de l’armée, affirme qu’aucun groupe armé n’existe au Burundi sauf une bande de voleurs et de tueurs. Il affirme également que vu son rang, Aloys Nzabampema ne pourrait pas rejoindre ces bandes de voleurs. Le colonel Gaspard Baratuza indique que l’armée dispose de beaucoup d’officiers mais qu’un avis de recherche va être lancé. Rappelons que le major Aloys Nzabampema avait le grade de général de brigade quand il combattait encore à Bubanza au côté du mouvement FNL.
Et toujours dans cette province, un enseignant de Gashinge a été égorgé dans la nuit de ce dimanche, à Musigati, par des personnes non encore identifiées et sept cadavres ont été retrouvés ce samedi 11 septembre dans la forêt naturelle de la Rukoko en commune Gihanga.
La disparition du major Aloys Nzabampema est un mystère pour plus d'un. L’armée burundaise ignore tout sur la disparition du major Aloys Nzabampema porté-disparu depuis le trois septembre. A la question de savoir si cet gofficier a rejoint la rébellion, Gaspard Baratuza, porte-parole de l’armée, affirme qu’aucun groupe armé n’existe au Burundi sauf une bande de voleurs et de tueurs. Il affirme également que vu son rang, Aloys Nzabampema ne pourrait pas rejoindre ces bandes de voleurs. Le colonel Gaspard Baratuza indique que l’armée dispose de beaucoup d’officiers mais qu’un avis de recherche va être lancé. Rappelons que le major Aloys Nzabampema avait le grade de général de brigade quand il combattait encore à Bubanza au côté du mouvement FNL.

De quoi les hommes forts du FNL ont-ils peur?
Lire ce document(en anglais)
FNL Bujumbura Chief of Staff in custody - JUSTICE NOW!
(but what was he doing in possession of UN uniforms?)
"A senior FNL combatant, Aloys Nzabampema, and an aide were captured in Bujumbura on 8 November and helmets and uniforms belonging to ONUB's South African contingent seized from them. Other FNL combatants were also captured in Gihanga, in the northwestern province of Bubanza, with uniforms belonging to ONUB's Nepalese contingent.
Nzabampema, who was paraded before reporters on Thursday, said his aide got the uniforms from a Burundian working for the South African contingent.
During ONUB's weekly news conference on Thursday, ONUB spokesman Penangnini Toure said although the uniforms belonged to ONUB's South African and Nepalese soldiers, "how the uniforms got into the hands of the FNL combatants needs to be clarified".
Saying that the uniforms alone could not prove ONUB's collaboration of with the FNL, Toure said the UN had begun investigations to identify the UN personnel through which the uniforms passed to the FNL.
This was not first incident linking OUNB troops to the FNL. Niyoyankana said in July 2004, the army seized munitions made in South African from FNL combatants it had captured, "but the South African contingent denied any involvement".
From Reuters - BURUNDI: Army probes source of UN "military uniforms" in rebel hands
The first ever arrest of a senior FNL leader is a major step towards justice.
FNL Bujumbura Chief of Staff Aloys Nzabampema has command responsibility for the troops that carried out theAugust 13th 2004 Gatumba massacre, which was a "crime against humanity" under international law.
As a senior FNL figure, Nzabampema is also implicated in the group's widespread and systematic campaign of civilian massacres, including the December 28th 2000 "Titanic Express" ambush. The Burundian authorities must look at the evidence for his involvement in this campaign, which also constitutes a "crime against humanity".
The Burundian authorities reportedly found uniforms belonging to the United Nations Burundi mission (ONUB) at the house where Nzabampema was arrested. The UN must investigate this thoroughly and publicly, and punish any officials found to have collaborated with Palipehutu-FNL.
We urge the Burundian authorities to treat Nzabampema humanely.
We urge the international community to lobby the Burundian government to prosecute Nzabampema for his crimes, and to demand an explanation from the United Nations of why the FNL were in possession of UN uniforms.
Nzabampema, who was paraded before reporters on Thursday, said his aide got the uniforms from a Burundian working for the South African contingent.
During ONUB's weekly news conference on Thursday, ONUB spokesman Penangnini Toure said although the uniforms belonged to ONUB's South African and Nepalese soldiers, "how the uniforms got into the hands of the FNL combatants needs to be clarified".
Saying that the uniforms alone could not prove ONUB's collaboration of with the FNL, Toure said the UN had begun investigations to identify the UN personnel through which the uniforms passed to the FNL.
This was not first incident linking OUNB troops to the FNL. Niyoyankana said in July 2004, the army seized munitions made in South African from FNL combatants it had captured, "but the South African contingent denied any involvement".
From Reuters - BURUNDI: Army probes source of UN "military uniforms" in rebel hands
The first ever arrest of a senior FNL leader is a major step towards justice.
FNL Bujumbura Chief of Staff Aloys Nzabampema has command responsibility for the troops that carried out theAugust 13th 2004 Gatumba massacre, which was a "crime against humanity" under international law.
As a senior FNL figure, Nzabampema is also implicated in the group's widespread and systematic campaign of civilian massacres, including the December 28th 2000 "Titanic Express" ambush. The Burundian authorities must look at the evidence for his involvement in this campaign, which also constitutes a "crime against humanity".
The Burundian authorities reportedly found uniforms belonging to the United Nations Burundi mission (ONUB) at the house where Nzabampema was arrested. The UN must investigate this thoroughly and publicly, and punish any officials found to have collaborated with Palipehutu-FNL.
We urge the Burundian authorities to treat Nzabampema humanely.
We urge the international community to lobby the Burundian government to prosecute Nzabampema for his crimes, and to demand an explanation from the United Nations of why the FNL were in possession of UN uniforms.
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